Automated Synthesis Forum 2024

Join the Automated Synthesis Forum 2024 in Oxford, UK, for cutting-edge discussions on synthetic chemistry innovations and technology.

November 11, 2024
November 12, 2024
Oxford, UK

Automated Synthesis Forum 2024

The Automated Synthesis Forum 2024, scheduled for November 11-12, will be held at the Oxford Belfry Hotel & Spa in Oxford, UK. This annual event, originally known as the UKASF, brings together a diverse group of scientists from both the industrial and academic sectors. The focus of the forum is on the latest enabling technologies in synthetic chemistry, both those that are newly commercialized and those still in the development phase.

The 2024 forum promises a rich agenda with plenary speakers including Prof. Connor Coley from MIT, Prof. Timothy Noël from the University of Amsterdam, and Prof. Matthew Gaunt from the University of Cambridge. These sessions will explore cutting-edge developments in automated synthesis processes, analytical equipment, and emerging technologies such as flow chemistry, photochemistry, and electrochemistry.

The event is a critical gathering point for professionals from major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and an increasing number of academic institutions. It also features an equipment exhibition with vendors aligned with the meeting’s themes, providing a unique opportunity for attendees to engage with the latest laboratory technologies and innovations.

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