Analytical StudioExperiment Builder


Virscidian's Analytical Studio-Experiment Builder (AS-Experiment Builder) is a web-based software tool for designing and executing high-throughput experiments/reactions. Used as the entry point for parallel synthesis, combinatorial chemistry, reaction optimization, and/or reaction monitoring, AS-Experiment Builder enables seamless transfer of experimental information into the Analytical Studio environment.


Increase Experimental Design Speed through Automated Plate Design

  • Determines the best plate layout automatically based on the specified chemicals and conditions being evaluated
  • Automatically designs plate layouts, a time-saving capability unique to AS-Experiment Builder

Maintain Complete Plate Design Control with Manual Plate Design

  • Gain total design flexibility, you specify in which wells, rows, or columns each compound should be placed
  • Assign each compound a specific color, which is reflected in the plate layout as the compounds are added to specific wells, providing a rapid visual overview of the experiment
  • Define custom plate sizes, accommodating most laboratory robotics and instrumentation
  • Design your experiment across multiple plates or design multiple experiments on a single plate
  • Add compounds by weight, volume, or molar equivalents
  • Simplify varying compound concentration across a row, down a column, or throughout the entire plate
Using manual plate design, you specify where each chemical is places. Here showing varying experiments in 4x4 grid, in columns, random, and as arrows.
Using manual plate design, you specify where each chemical is places. Here showing varying experiments in 4x4 grid, in columns, random, and as arrows.

Streamline Your Experimental Design

  • Simplifies experimental design through integration with internal and third-party chemical databases
  • Automatically creates detailed sample preparation instructions for creating stock solutions and/or other sample preparation steps required
  • Creates experimental templates that can easily be saved and duplicated to accelerate experimental design
  • Enables you to use saved layouts to transfer design to other labs or as starting point for further reaction optimization
Ensure no manual calculation errors when preparing stock solutions or performing other sample preparation steps with AS-Experiment Builders handy chemical prep list.
Ensure no manual calculation errors when preparing stock solutions or performing other sample preparation steps with AS-Experiment Builders handy chemical prep list.

Advanced Data Analysis Tools Provide More Insights

  • Simplify compound ID and reaction yield calculations
  • Create and save templated reaction schemes such as Suzuki, Heck, Buchwald, Ullman, SNaR, Alkylation, Amide, CO, and C-N bond formation
  • Details such as reaction products, by-products, and impurities can be included and used to identify peaks in LC-MS data
  • Saved product, by-product, and impurity information is seamlessly integrated into Analytical Studio and used to calculate reaction yields and optimize reaction conditions
Simplify data interpretation by saving possible by-product and impurity information in AS-Experiment Builder. This information is used in AS-Pro to identify and label unknown compounds.
Simplify data interpretation by saving possible by-product and impurity information in AS-Experiment Builder. This information is used in AS-Pro to identify and label unknown compounds.

Increase your choice of instrument vendors

  • Import and process data files and display results from multiple vendors simultaneously
  • Gain the flexibility to select best-in-class instruments for your experiments
  • Reduce the number of different software programs you must learn
  • Consolidate results from multiple instruments to simplify and enhance report generation
Analytical Studio is vendor-neutral software and a few of the third parties we have worked with are listed above. Don't hesitate to contact us if you don't see your instruments listed here.
Analytical Studio is vendor-neutral software and a few of the third parties we have worked with are listed above. Don't hesitate to contact us if you don't see your instruments listed here.

The Stats

Our Impact by Numbers

Of the top 10 Largest Pharma Companies in the world are customers
Of Fortune 500 Pharma companies are customers
Lab Scientist Prep

Partner With Us

We partner with you to provide customized informatics solutions that use Analytical Studio to enhance decision making and accelerate your workflows.

ASMS Hit Results