Analytical StudioProfessional
Effortlessly review your results from multiple platforms and experiments in a user-friendly interface powered by Analytical Studio’s cutting-edge data processing and decision-making capabilities.
Analytical Studio Professional (AS-Pro) is the user interface within Analytical Studio where you work with processed results, visualize, review, update, and report. Advanced capabilities allow you to optimize processing methods, perform accelerated results reviews, generate reports and sample lists. AS-Pro provides insights you can be confident in, enabling you to employ a review-by-exception workflow and allowing AS-Pro to help guide you with follow-on experiments or next steps if you have a multistep workflow.
AS-Pro supports customized layouts, streamlining processing capabilities for each user and workflow, and simplifying your work and user experience.
With our vendor-neutral approach, you can easily view the results of your entire experiment in one software, even if you acquired your data on instruments from multiple vendors.
Simplify and Accelerate Your Data Review
- Display samples in well-plate views or lists that clearly indicate the results of the experiment and convey additional sample-related information including:
- Compound type
- Compound concentration
- Calculation results
- Likelihood of purifying sample
- Flag samples that generate errors, indicating manual review is required
Using AS-Pro's review-by-exception logic, colors can be customized to represent the result states important for each workflow, and any samples that generate errors are automatically flagged.
Automate Your Decisions
- Automatically select the most suitable focused gradient method for high-throughput purification (HTP) workflows, saving hours of manual work
- Choose the best fraction detection triggers, selecting both the detector type and intensity threshold for each sample individually
- Incorporate Boolean logic based on data and calculations to drive follow-on experimental steps
Reduce False Positives
- Compare theoretical isotope patterns for target compounds to experimental isotope patterns
- Use a review-by-exception workflow where samples that generate an error are flagged, indicating manual review might be required
- Perform cross-hit correlation analysis for AS-MS workflows, flagging compounds found across multiple wells as possible cross hits
- Validate hits automatically using a variety of additional injections including blanks and reference compounds
- Use powerful data analysis tools to automatically flag substances where:
- peaks are misaligned between MS and UV or other analog detectors
- more than one substance is assigned to a chromatographic peak
- Additional standard filters available and we can customize filters for workflows
Analytical Studio displays the theoretical isotopic pattern overlaid on the experimental data to help confirm compound identification.
Automate Your Calculations
- Determine percent conversions and other relevant calculations for synthesis and high-throughput (HTE) experiments
- Simplify cross-lab and cross-library comparisons for AS-MS experiments by calculating hit rates
- Perform custom calculations to automate tedious substance and other logic driven needs
AS-Pro can output customized calculations, logic, results interpretation, and more.
Customize Your Displays and Reports
- View results from the complete experiment within one software package
- Centralize data processing and results review across different instrument vendors into a single integrated software package, delivering consistent reports across your laboratory workflows
- Reduce training by using a single package to perform your data processing, reviewing, and reporting
- Display results exactly how you want using the customizable and flexible report formats to create PDF, Microsoft(TM) Excel, JSON, Tibco(TM) Spotfire, and more
- Create customizable graphs and live reports that interact directly with your results inside AS-Pro, providing a more interactive user experience
Simplify Searching Your Results
- Streamline searching your data set to determine results such as which target products, impurities, and/or unknowns are found and in which well
- View visual confirmation of the fractions that were collected, along with tools to manually update key decisions where necessary in purification workflows
Clearly see the results of your fraction collection, and review which fractions were selected as pure by AS-Pro, along with their expected purity and volume collected.
Increase your choice of instrument vendors
- Import and process data files and display results from multiple vendors simultaneously
- Gain the flexibility to select best-in-class instruments for your experiments
- Reduce the number of different software programs you must learn
- Consolidate results from multiple instruments to simplify and enhance report generation
Analytical Studio is vendor-neutral software and a few of the third parties we have worked with are listed above. Don't hesitate to contact us if you don't see your instruments listed here.
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