Analytical StudioFraction Mapper


Analytical Studio Fraction Mapper (AS-Fraction Mapper) is primarily used in gravimetric analysis for purification workflows.  AS-Fraction Mapper automates mapping of gross, tared, and net weight values into Analytical Studio, while associating weight values with supporting analytical data such as preparative fractions.  The data can then be used to automate dissolution and sample replating.  AS-Fraction Mapper does away with error prone manual processes and enhances the efficiency of high-throughput workflows.

AS-Fraction Mapper displays gravimetric data that can then be used for automated dissolution and sample replating, further automating your workflow and reducing manual errors.
AS-Fraction Mapper displays gravimetric data that can then be used for automated dissolution and sample replating, further automating your workflow and reducing manual errors.


Integrate your Gravimetric Data

  • Reduces challenges in purification workflows using gravimetric analysis
  • Rapidly imports tare and gross weights from a gravimetric weighing machine, associating them with specific samples, fractions, and their barcodes
  • Automatically integrates fraction weight information with chromatography and mass spectrometry data
  • Fully integrates into Analytical Studio software, providing comprehensive fraction results for each sample
  • Exports sample weight to the gravimetric instrument for further processing
AS-Fraction Mapper stores information such as gross, tare, and net weights, matches this information up to specific fractions, and automatically calculates information such as dissolution volumes.
AS-Fraction Mapper stores information such as gross, tare, and net weights, matches this information up to specific fractions, and automatically calculates information such as dissolution volumes.

Eliminate Manual Data Input Errors

  • Eliminates manual matching of samples with purified weight values
  • Associates vial and plate barcodes with correct samples
  • Translates sample location from the gravimetric instrument to the fraction collector bed

Save Time with Import/Export Capabilities

  • Direct import/export to Sirius Automation® SiriusSlate® software
AS-Fraction Mapper can import results from, and export results to robotic devices such as those controlled by Sirius Automation® SiriusSlate® software.
AS-Fraction Mapper can import results from, and export results to robotic devices such as those controlled by Sirius Automation® SiriusSlate® software.

Increase your choice of instrument vendors

  • Import and process data files and display results from multiple vendors simultaneously
  • Gain the flexibility to select best-in-class instruments for your experiments
  • Reduce the number of different software programs you must learn
  • Consolidate results from multiple instruments to simplify and enhance report generation
Analytical Studio is vendor-neutral software and a few of the third parties we have worked with are listed above. Don't hesitate to contact us if you don't see your instruments listed here.
Analytical Studio is vendor-neutral software and a few of the third parties we have worked with are listed above. Don't hesitate to contact us if you don't see your instruments listed here.

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